My Life in the Computer History Museum

Its been six or eight years since I've taken a group of students to the Computer History Museum, and am I ever glad that I made the stop this time. The museum has changed a lot over the years and this was by far the best visit ever.

The first …

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Who Are We?

Date Tags Luther

I’ve been thinking about this question a lot lately and I know others have been repeating this question as we struggle through the strategic planning process.

It struck me the other day when one of my colleagues, a person I know worked on the current mission statement for Luther …

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Fending Off “Day 2” at Luther College

I’m a fan of Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, whether its because he “got it” and was the first customer of Net Perceptions or because of his fascination with space or just because I admire him as a leader. It doesn’t matter, I pay attention to what he …

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Spring Break 2017

Spring Break! Boy did I need one! With everything going on at the college, I really needed a few days away from school to clear my head and have some fun. What better way to do this than with friends Tim and Sandra Peter at their home in Florida!

Noodling with Tim

Although …

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The Runestone Workshop

Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) 2017 is done. Another great few days of meeting colleagues from around the country and talking about computer science education. This year was a little different because Paul Resnick, Barb Ericson, and I conducted a workshop on teaching with the runestone eBooks …

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Bula from Likuliku Lagoon

Bure View

With a view like that you would think I could write something really inspirational for this final post of our journey. Four weeks of travel with some absolutely crazy sights and adventures have wrapped themselves up here at the Likuliku Lagoon Resort in Fiji. To put it mildly the resort …

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Is this Hobbiton or Nerdvana?

Bag End

For as little as I wanted to go to the stinky spa yesterday, Jane wanted to go to Hobbiton today even less. She's not a big Lord of the Rings Fan. But our guide told us that nearly 30% of the people who visit Hobbiton have never seen even one …

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