AI in the Dominican Republic
A working vacation in the Dominican Republic is both productive and relaxing, except when you are avoiding the men in the hats.
more ...A working vacation in the Dominican Republic is both productive and relaxing, except when you are avoiding the men in the hats.
more ...An overnight flight from Quito, very little sleep, 90 degree temperature drop, and ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
more ...Today was an all day adventure, including Darwin Research station, helping to reforest, and Giant Tortoises
more ...A hike on San Cristobal island allows us to see Red Footed Boobies, Blue Footed Boobies and the Nasca Boobies. I couldn’t resist the title!
more ...A wonderful hike on Santa Cruz Island to see the Land Iguanas.
more ...On Day 3 we do the iconic hike up a volcano to view Pinnacle Rock!
more ...Day 2 brings a morning zodiac tour and a beautiful afternoon snorkel trip and hike.
more ...Our first day in the Galápagos Islands is everything we ever thought it would be and more!
more ...The highlight of our day of touring in Quito was definitely our stop at the Equator.
more ...A morning Cooking Class with Jose at Peru Culinary Adventures is great fun! In the afternoon we visit the famous SaqsayWaman !
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